Rent Increase

 Renting a home in San Francisco can be an expensive endeavor, and as a tenant, it's essential to know your rights when it comes to rent increases. The city has implemented regulations to protect tenants from unreasonable hikes and ensure affordable housing options. Whether you're a long-time resident or a newcomer to the city, here's what you need to know about rent increases in San Francisco.

San Francisco has a rent control ordinance that helps shield tenants from excessive rent hikes. Under this ordinance, rental units built before June 1979 are subject to certain regulations. This includes limitations on the amount rent can be increased annually and additional protections against unjust evictions.

According to the current regulations, landlords are allowed to increase rent each year by a certain percentage. As of July 1, 2023, the allowable rent increase for covered units in San Francisco is 60% of the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for the Bay Area. For example, if the CPI change is 2%, the maximum allowable rent increase would be 60% of 2%, or 1.2%.

Landlords must provide tenants with proper written notice before increasing the rent. For fixed-term tenancies, a landlord must provide at least 30 days' notice before the lease expires if they plan to raise the rent at the end of the lease term. For month-to-month tenancies, landlords must provide at least 30 days' written notice if they plan to raise the rent by any amount.

If you believe your landlord has unlawfully increased your rent or failed to comply with the rent control ordinance, you have the right to file a petition with the San Francisco Rent Board. The Rent Board is a government agency that assists tenants in resolving issues related to rent increases and other rental concerns. It is recommended to seek legal counsel or consult with tenant advocacy organizations for assistance with filing a petition.

Certain properties in San Francisco are exempt from rent control regulations. These exemptions may include properties built after June 1979, single-family homes occupied by the owner, and certain types of affordable housing units. It's important to clarify if your rental unit falls under rent-controlled provisions or is exempt from them.